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21 February 2014

A Look At K.F. Breene & 'Into the Darkness' ~ @KFBreene @GoddessFish #newadult #fantasy #urban #scifi

Today we have author K.F. Breene visiting. Welcome!

What would you like to tell readers about yourself?
* A wine country native, K.F. Breene moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making and editing films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an accountant. Thinking on it now, she often wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.
* While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began writing. Now she makes movies in her head, not worried about lighting, shutter speed or editing equipment. Turns out, a computer is much easier to manage than a crowd of actors. She should know, she was an actor at one time.

What are you going to tell us about today?
* My story Into the Darkness.

A look into the story
~ Blurb ~
* I’d always been different. I saw objects in the night where others saw emptiness. Large, human shaped shadows, fierce yet beautiful, melting into the darkness. I collected secrets like other women collected bells; afraid to fully trust lest my oddities be exposed.
* Until I saw him. He’d been gliding down the street, unshakable confidence in every step. It wasn’t just that he was breathtakingly handsome with perfect features. Something about him drew me. Sucked my focus to him and then tugged at my body. As his eyes met mine, I was entrapped.
* No one had noticed him. He’d been right there, just beyond the light, but only I had perceived.
* I had to know if he was real. Or maybe I really was crazy. And even when my secret box was blasted wide open, dangers hurled at me like throwing knives, I couldn’t stop until I unraveled his true identity.
* I just had to know.
* “She was fated to live.”
* “Then why must you save her?”
* “Often Fate is struck down by dumb luck.”
~ Excerpt ~
* Stefen approached the wide bed, looking down on the limp human, her angelic face devoid of color. Her arms rested on her chest, her body so still she looked dead.
* A shot of fear pierced Stefen’s chest. “Will she make it?”
* Luke’s head shook before he sighed. “She shouldn’t have made it last time. Yet she did. Something is holding her to this life.”
* “My blood helped last time. Will it help again?”
* Luke sighed, raising his eyebrows in a facial shrug. “If you can get her to drink, she might pull out of it. Might. She should be dead already; she’s largely catatonic. But…well, she survived last time, so who’s to say?”
* Stefen nodded, allowing himself to bestow his gaze back to this woman that had a firm hold on his vitals for reasons he couldn’t understand or explain. The only thing he knew with certainty was that she could not die.

Buy Into the Darkness here...
Amazon | iTunes | Barnes & Noble

Find K.F. Breene here...
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Page

Thank you for joining us here today, K.F. Breene! It was a pleasure getting to know you and your story.

ANNOUNCEMENT! One randomly chosen commenter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card! So be sure to leave your name and email with your comment, use the Rafflecopter below and visit the other tour stops (find them here: Goddessfishpromotions-virtual-book-tour) for a greater chance of winning!

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thank you for having me. By the way, for a little while longer the book is FREE :)

Elaine G said...

Got my free copy :)
Looking forward to reading this.

MomJane said...

Sounds like a really good book.

Elena said...

i like the excerpt

ilookfamous said...

Great spin on vampire PNR, I recommend this read