Today we have paranormal romance author, Shannan Albright, visiting. A resident of Las Vegas Nevada since 1998 she’s married with two dogs and two cats. When not writing she enjoys oil painting and Renaissance Fairs.
Her first story, ‘A Christmas Wish for Laura,’ appeared in ‘'Twas a Dark and Delicious Christmas,’ an anthology from Evernight Publishing and Claudia Rhyes of Manic Readers Reviews had this to say about it: This was a great story with some hot sex. The plot and characters were likable and I loved, absolutely loved Elric!
(for the full review, visit:
* So, Shannan, what inspired you to become a writer?
Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind started the itch for me but I lay the blame at my English Teacher’s feet in High School. As a matter of fact my art teacher Mr.Bownlee and Mrs. Sorensen got upset with me since one wanted me to continue studying art and Mrs. Sorensen wanted me to take my writing to the next level. So to make a long story short I did both.
* When did you attempt your first story? What length was it? What's become of it?
Oh boy, my first novel was in 1982 it was approx. 70,000 words. I did it on an electric typewriter and it was a Star Trek novel. I have no clue where that one went and shudder to think how many typos it had in it. Thank God for computers and spell check! Lol.
* How many stories did you complete before you sold your first?
I wrote about ten stories through the years. I have to say that all were very rough as I was learning how to write without benefit of RWA or any way to contact other writers for support, brainstorming or critiques. When I started writing again I became a member of the national RWA in 2007 and then joined my local chapter in 2008. From there I did as many workshops as I could and kept writing until I finally sold a short story.
* What genre(s) do you write in? What drew you to write in it/them? What’s your favorite genre of all to write in?
I write Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Historical Time Travel. Hummm…I see a pattern here. I guess you can say I love living in my own worlds that I build. I do have an erotic contemporary that is in the outline stage but if I had to choose I would go for the dark brooding vampire every time.
* What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received?
I was told once in a workshop that my voice needed to be lighter. I don’t do comedy and wouldn’t even try. She thought I was too dark and violent. The best writing advice was from Shayla Black author of the Doomsday Brethren books. She said never throw away a work in progress since sometimes you just have to grow into your talent. I liked that because it gave me hope that I even had talent to begin with!
* How do you celebrate/deal with acceptance/rejection letters?
I celebrate with a happy dance, lots of running around like a crazy woman telling all my co-workers that I got accepted and generally am not much good for anything for the rest of the day - lol. I don’t think I will ever get used to finally getting an acceptance letter or email. With rejection letters I try to learn from what they have to say to me, that is if they say anything at all. I find it frustrating when you get a standard rejection that tells you absolutely nothing about how to improve yourself for the next time.
* In regard to the book you’re promoting, which actor and actress do you envision playing the roles of your hero and heroine? If there’s a villain or other characters who are pertinent to the story, who would play those parts?
Gerald Butler as Marcus is my perfect ideal since Marcus is a Spartan. Besides, seeing him in 300 is where I got my idea for Marcus in the first place. Uma Thurman would be fantastic for Tambra Ellis and Ian Somerhalder is my perfect Lycan antagonist Temple Fox.
* Is it a stand-alone story or part of a series? If it’s part of a series, please list the order the books need to be read in for maximum reading enjoyment.
This is the first book in a series and with each book in the Dark Breed series it can be read as a stand-alone.
*** Now for some fun info… ***
Her first story, ‘A Christmas Wish for Laura,’ appeared in ‘'Twas a Dark and Delicious Christmas,’ an anthology from Evernight Publishing and Claudia Rhyes of Manic Readers Reviews had this to say about it: This was a great story with some hot sex. The plot and characters were likable and I loved, absolutely loved Elric!
(for the full review, visit:
* So, Shannan, what inspired you to become a writer?
Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind started the itch for me but I lay the blame at my English Teacher’s feet in High School. As a matter of fact my art teacher Mr.Bownlee and Mrs. Sorensen got upset with me since one wanted me to continue studying art and Mrs. Sorensen wanted me to take my writing to the next level. So to make a long story short I did both.
* When did you attempt your first story? What length was it? What's become of it?
Oh boy, my first novel was in 1982 it was approx. 70,000 words. I did it on an electric typewriter and it was a Star Trek novel. I have no clue where that one went and shudder to think how many typos it had in it. Thank God for computers and spell check! Lol.
* How many stories did you complete before you sold your first?

* What genre(s) do you write in? What drew you to write in it/them? What’s your favorite genre of all to write in?
I write Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Historical Time Travel. Hummm…I see a pattern here. I guess you can say I love living in my own worlds that I build. I do have an erotic contemporary that is in the outline stage but if I had to choose I would go for the dark brooding vampire every time.
* What are the best and worst pieces of writing advice you ever received?
I was told once in a workshop that my voice needed to be lighter. I don’t do comedy and wouldn’t even try. She thought I was too dark and violent. The best writing advice was from Shayla Black author of the Doomsday Brethren books. She said never throw away a work in progress since sometimes you just have to grow into your talent. I liked that because it gave me hope that I even had talent to begin with!
* How do you celebrate/deal with acceptance/rejection letters?
I celebrate with a happy dance, lots of running around like a crazy woman telling all my co-workers that I got accepted and generally am not much good for anything for the rest of the day - lol. I don’t think I will ever get used to finally getting an acceptance letter or email. With rejection letters I try to learn from what they have to say to me, that is if they say anything at all. I find it frustrating when you get a standard rejection that tells you absolutely nothing about how to improve yourself for the next time.
* In regard to the book you’re promoting, which actor and actress do you envision playing the roles of your hero and heroine? If there’s a villain or other characters who are pertinent to the story, who would play those parts?
Gerald Butler as Marcus is my perfect ideal since Marcus is a Spartan. Besides, seeing him in 300 is where I got my idea for Marcus in the first place. Uma Thurman would be fantastic for Tambra Ellis and Ian Somerhalder is my perfect Lycan antagonist Temple Fox.
* Is it a stand-alone story or part of a series? If it’s part of a series, please list the order the books need to be read in for maximum reading enjoyment.
This is the first book in a series and with each book in the Dark Breed series it can be read as a stand-alone.
*** Now for some fun info… ***
* What’s your favorite color?
Black and purple, black and red, black and…The only color I absolutely hate is pink.
* Would you/have you own(ed) a snake or some other exotic pet?
I had several pet rats and a ferret. I loved my rats and believe it or not they can be very affectionate. *most people I know shudder with revulsion now* I am a major animal lover the only thing I can’t stand is spiders.
* Which do you prefer: rain or sun & warm weather or cold weather?
I love the heat. The hotter the better. I’m kind of a wuss with the cold and start whimpering right after Christmas wanting my heat back. The best thing ever for me is a summer rain storm.
* If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed to have five modern conveniences with you, what would they be?
My computer is a must so I would need is a generator, toothbrush, my Kindle and DVD’s and player I am a movie nut!
*** About her book and series… ***
Dark Passion Rising: A Dark Breed Novel ~ The exciting first book in the Dark Breed series by Shannan AlbrightTambra Ellis has just had her world turned upside down! Surviving a bite from a Lycan, attracted to one hot vampire guy and now she has to look forward to turning into something from some bad werewolf movie.
Marcus Valerian has enough on his plate without the added complication of Tambra Ellis. Fiery and independent? Sure. Beautiful with a body made for sin? Oh Yeh. And a human cop. Tambra is everything he needs to stay away from.
As leader of the Tribunal’s enforcers it’s up to him to find out why the Dark Breeds are going feral and killing humans in ever increasing numbers. Tambra’s life is in the balance as the secrets of her past place her in the middle of old deceits and a betrayal that will change the world forever.
Will Marcus and Tambra’s love survive or will it be too late?
Available through: and
The whole idea came to me one night after going to the Fremont Experience. In the opening chapter I set the book there. I never had a book come together as easily as this one did. It was like the characters were really writing the book and I was just dictating it.
* If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed to have five modern conveniences with you, what would they be?
My computer is a must so I would need is a generator, toothbrush, my Kindle and DVD’s and player I am a movie nut!
*** About her book and series… ***
Dark Passion Rising: A Dark Breed Novel ~ The exciting first book in the Dark Breed series by Shannan AlbrightTambra Ellis has just had her world turned upside down! Surviving a bite from a Lycan, attracted to one hot vampire guy and now she has to look forward to turning into something from some bad werewolf movie.
Marcus Valerian has enough on his plate without the added complication of Tambra Ellis. Fiery and independent? Sure. Beautiful with a body made for sin? Oh Yeh. And a human cop. Tambra is everything he needs to stay away from.
As leader of the Tribunal’s enforcers it’s up to him to find out why the Dark Breeds are going feral and killing humans in ever increasing numbers. Tambra’s life is in the balance as the secrets of her past place her in the middle of old deceits and a betrayal that will change the world forever.
Will Marcus and Tambra’s love survive or will it be too late?
Available through: and
The whole idea came to me one night after going to the Fremont Experience. In the opening chapter I set the book there. I never had a book come together as easily as this one did. It was like the characters were really writing the book and I was just dictating it.
***Find Shannan here***
facebook: Shannan Albright
Check out her video!
Thank you for joining us here today, Shannan! It was a pleasure getting to know you and your work.
1 comment:
Hi Shannan,
Love the interview and the trailer.
How exciting!!!! Your first release. Looking forward to many more from you.
RM :)
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