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25 September 2011

Evernight's Big Birthday Bash! Woo-hoo! @evernightpub

    October 1st is Evernight's first birthday! To celebrate, Evernight Publishing is having a week long party for its authors and readers, Sept. 25–Oct. 2
    I am so tickled being part of the Evernight team. The first release I have with Evernight is a co-authored book with RM Sotera called Wild West Weekend. For information about that book/series, mosey on over to & take a gander. There’s a prize over there as well for the Birthday Bash!
    My next story with Evernight, Chasing Miss Kringle, will be in the 2011 holiday anthology. :) I’m looking forward to the book coming out and seeing what all the wonderful authors have written for the season. My little blurb for the short story is:
Ex-cop turned private investigator, Jack Vorst, is a cynic when it comes to love and a skeptic when it comes to anything paranormal. When his PI partner requests his help on a paranormal investigation to find an elf, Jack thinks it’s a joke. It isn’t, and he’s roped into working on the case. In his search for the mystical creature, he meets a beautiful woman named Kristina at a local 5k race who starts to change his mind about love, magic and the holidays. Can the spirited woman melt his icy heart and change his outlook on life in time for Christmas?
    In celebration of Evernight’s B-day, I’m giving away a $5.00 gift certificate to Evernight Publishing to one lucky winner. To enter the drawing, please comment and tell me one thing you like about Evernight Publishing or my blog & leave your name and email for the entry to count. For more entries, please follow my blog via Google Friend Connect, follow my blog via Facebook’s Networked Blogs, follow me on Twitter, or friend me on Facebook. Each venue earns you one entry. So, the more you do, the more entries you’ll have. :) If you already do follow me via Google Friend Connect, FB Networked Blogs, Twitter or are my friend on Facebook, then please email me and let me know and that will be an entry. Winner for my contest will be drawn and notified Monday, October 3.
    In addition,
Evernight will choose one commenter from EACH participating blog (listing of blogs below) to win a $5.00 Gift Certificate. Evernight will also choose three separate commenters from ANY of the blogs to win one of three grand prizes: a new Kindle eReader; $50.00 U.S. (gifted via PayPal); a $40.00 Evernight Gift Certificate. *** To be entered in the Grand Prize draws, you will need to FOLLOW and COMMENT on the Evernight Publishing Blog.  We will be selecting the winners from the comments of random blogs in the hop, so make sure to visit as many as you can!*** Winners will be announced October 3rd on the Evernight Blog ( and website. So to have lots of chances to win, visit all the blogs and leave comments with your name and email!
    And, check this out, on October 1st only, ALL e-books will be 75% off on the Evernight website! Woo-hoo!
    Happy Birthday Evernight!
    Happy Reading,
    C.R. Moss

Avery Flynn
                 Karyn Gerrard             Stacey Espino              Delilah Hunt
Tristram La Roche       Emma Shortt               Shannan Albright         Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
Carolyn Rosewood      CR Moss                      Pepper Anthony          Renee Silvana
Lauren Pilla                 Lorraine Nelson           Kathleen Grieve          Double D Ranch Tales
Angelina Rain              Kelly Yeakle                Ashlynn Monroe          Elyzabeth M. VaLey
Alexandra OHurley     ShylaColt                    Becky Moore               Claire Matthews
Avril Ashton                Seleste deLaney           Evernight Publishing
Jezebel JorgeJulia Rachel Barrett
Kerri Nelson
Jenika Snow


Keraleigh said...

Hi C.M. This is a fabulous website, I love the colors you use. Red just makes me think of naughty things. ;)

I'm glad you joined Evernight Publishing, It's a great place!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Anna! EP is a great place! & TY for the lovely comment on my site. I'm partial to the colors too ;)

Elaine G said...

Your blog looks really nice. Easy to navigate too.
Love Evernight books :)


Unknown said...

Thanks Elaine!
EP books are awesome, aren't they?!

Ronda Tutt said...

Love the web site - very sexy and am just now learning of Evernight so Happy Birthday Evernight. It looks like they have several wonderful reads to choose from.

1. New Follower - Ronda (Queentutt's World of Escapism)
2. Twitter - @QueentuttsWorld
3. Facebook - Ronda Tutt
4. New follower on Double D Ranch

Ronda Tutt

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Ronda! EP has a lot of great books to choose from. & thanks for the lovely comment about my blog.

Unknown said...

Great blog!! Your books look fabulous and I love westerns!!
GFC Nikki
Facebook..Sherri McCarver
Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki! Thanks for stopping by and the comments!

Vanessa N. said...

I like Evernight because they have a good variety of genres. Thanks for the chance.

JeanMP said...

Enjoyed looking around your blog, very easy to navigate, like the colors, very eye-catching.
GFC follower JeanP

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Vanessa & Jean & for your lovely comments! Glad to have your input on EP and my site. :)

Beckey said...

I just discovered evernight publishing over the summer and so far the books I have read are HOT reads...
Thanks for sharing about October 1st... ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Evernight, what terrific brithday bash.. Love discovering about your different authors..
CR love your books...Looking forward to reading more...
Take care


BeckeyWhite at GMAIL dot COM

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment Beckey! I always enjoy hearing readers say they like my books. :) Thanks for stopping by!

Carlie Angelus said...

Followed your blog and Congrats to both you and Evernight. What a fun idea this hop has turned out to be.

One thing I like about Evernight--the awesome selection, the phenomenal covers, and that 75% off sale ain't bad either!

Carlie A.

Unknown said...

Hi Carlie! Thanks for stopping by. EP is awesome. Glad you like what EP's doing! :)

dawnmomoffour said...

New follower here and Evernight Publishing! Great prices and great sites.
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn! Glad you to hear you like EP! It's a great publisher.

Rebecca said...

New to your site and just learning about Evernight. Looks like they have a little bit of everything!
Rebecca - rrgreene62(at)

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca! Yep EP has a little bit of everything. :) It's an awesome publisher.

tammy ramey said...

i like that they have a lot of my favorite authors and their prices are reasonable.

Unknown said...

Hi Tammy!
Thanks for the comment, that's good to know!

Nay Nay said...

Congrats to Evernight. Already follow your blog. (Nay Nay) That's how I found out about the contest.

Love blog hops. You get to meet some new authors and have a chance to chat with old favorites.

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Ju Dimello said...

Hi CM,

Great to "meet" you. You're a new to me author and looking forward to reading your books!

Happy Birthday to Evernight !!

GFC, twitter follower now. Thanks for the giveaway!

Definitely count me in.. judimello AT gmail DOT com

Eva's Flowers said...

Happy Birthday to Evernight! Am following the Blog Hop, thanks for participating and the giveaways.
GFC follower: Eva Perez


mnjcarter said...

Love the look of the blog site. It definetly fits in with the look of your new book, Look What The Cat Dragged In, For Cassandra. The colrs and theme are perfect. Sounds like a great read!

Happy Birthday Evernight!!

books4me said...

Evernight is still small enough they they are able to provide good customer service. In addition, they offer a variety of books at a reasonable price!

GFC: books4me
FB: Wendy Dee

books4me67 at

Cynthia Garcia said...

I love Evernight books! Great site!

GFC: Cynthia Garcia
Facebook: Cynthia Hatfield-Garcia

Unknown said...

Hello to Nay Nay, Ju, Eva, MNJ, Wendy and Cynthia! Thank you all for stopping by & leaving your comments. Best of luck!

Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

Happy Birthday Everlight!
Everlight has brought me authors I've not read before, and opened the door to a whole lot of books to read....!
I love your blog, and I follow you on Twitter already.
I'm surprised I hadn't Liked your Facebook before now, and often don't friend authors first because then I feel presumptuous...and too forward cause I think I'm old fashioned that way...*S*
Love your stories and loo forward to reading more..*S*
Thank you~
Already follow you on Twitter
Already follow your wonderful blog GFC

Thank you for being a part of the Blog hop tour...*S*


Unknown said...

:* Darcy

Gabby said...

This hop's pretty fun so far! So many new-to-me authors I can't keep track!

Thanks for the your contest!

1. I'm following via google friend connect (Under!)

2. I'm also following via the NetworkedBlogs on facebook! (under Gabrielle Jones!)

3. I think I might be your friend on facebook but I'm not exactly sure, the "send a friend request." thingy didn't pop when I got on you're facebook page so I guess that means I'm already your friend.


Gabby said...

Shoot! I forgot to tell you want I liked about evernight publishing!


I just checked real quick, and it looks like they have an amazing e-book selection! I really like that!

Toni said...

Evernight has a great selection and top notch stories.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Evernight.

Evernight is new to me, but I'm tantalized by the variety of genre's to chose from. This blog hop has introduced me to so many new authors, that my book to buy list is overflowing.

GFC: Kathy Merkel
drainbamaged.gyzmo at

Unknown said...

Hi Gabby, Toni & Kathryn! Y'all are right. EP does have a great selection of stories. Thanks for stopping by!

June M. said...

Hi! One thing that I like about Evernight is the variety of authors and stories that they have. And I am new to your blog, but I love the picture on your header. Maybe just me, but it makes me think haunted house.
New follower:
GFC: June M.
Twitter: JuneAnnM
FB liked page: June Manning
Networked blogs: June Manning

manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Great Blog. Love all of Evernights book selections and like the color choices for your blog.

FB - Michelle Thomas
Twitter - michelle31071
Google - Michelle

shadow31071 (at) suddenlink (dot) net

Unknown said...

Hi June and Michelle! Thanks for stopping by and for your wonderful comments!

Shadow said...

I love all of the authors. They each bring something different to the table and there books are always captivating! Thank you for the giveaway!
gfc- shadow_kohler
networked blog- shadow kohler
liked on fb- shadow kohler
twitter- LuvToRead09

Evernight Publishing said...

Congrats to Carlie Angelus! Winner of a $5.00 Evernight Gift Certificate!